Covid19 hotel development analysis: Dream Hotel Group [Infographic]

In an exclusive report, we use the TOPHOTELPROJECTS construction database to get a better understanding of how Dream Hotel Group’s development pipeline is looking in the light of coronavirus.

In an exclusive report, we use the TOPHOTELPROJECTS construction database to get a better understanding of how Dream Hotel Group’s development pipeline is looking in the light of coronavirus.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc across the global hospitality sector and Dream Hotel Group has certainly not been immune to the fallout from this extraordinary health crisis.

Founded by Sant Singh Chatwal in 1986, the hotel brand and management company now has a host of operational or under-development sites across North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and APAC. Headquartered in New York, the rapidly growing business is behind a string of high-profile brands, namely Dream Hotels, Time Hotels, Unscripted Hotels, The Chatwal and By Dream Hotel Group.

Here, our researchers crunch the numbers to find out how the group’s development pipeline is faring at a time when many hospitality companies are scaling back future investment plans.

Dream Hotel Group’s expansion dream lives on

By diving into the TOPHOTELPROJECTS construction database, we see that Dream Hotel Group has 25 projects in progress, with three more on hold and two cancelled as of 17 August 2020.

In terms of active projects, upper-upscale lifestyle brand Dream Hotels accounts for four-fifths of the total with no fewer than 20 live schemes, while Unscripted Hotels has four and Time Hotels has just one:

Group Brand Number
Dream Hotel Group Dream Hotels 20
Dream Hotel Group Time Hotels 1
Dream Hotel Group unscripted Hotels 4

TOPHOTELPROJECTS GmbH (2020): Dream Hotel Group, Projects in Progress (Group and Hard brands).

Living the dream

What the data shows us is that Dream Hotel Group is still progressing more than 83% of the projects logged by our research team, which is pretty impressive when you consider how much hospitality businesses around the world have suffered as a result of coronavirus. What’s more, a further 10% of schemes are only designated as on hold and have not been scrapped altogether, meaning they could yet be realised in the months and years ahead.

It is of course incredibly difficult to predict what the future might hold for hotel companies, given how little is currently known about the virus and the lack of certainty about when or if an effective vaccine will be created to combat it. Nevertheless, the fact that Dream Hotel Group is carrying on with developing the vast majority of its pipeline suggests that its management team remains hopeful the crisis will abate soon – and travellers can continue to dream about visiting its new projects when they finally open their doors to the public.

Many TOPHOTELNEWS articles draw on exclusive information from the TOPHOTELPROJECTS construction database. This subscription-based product includes details of thousands of hotel projects around the world, along with the key decision-makers behind them. Please note, our data may differ from records held by other organisations. Generally, the database focuses on four- and five-star schemes of significant scale; tracks projects in either the vision, pre-planning, planning, under-construction, pre-opening or newly opened phase; and covers newbuilds, extensions, refurbishments and conversions.

Learn more

Dream Hotel Group is a hotel brand and management company with a rich, 30-year history of managing properties in some of the world’s most highly competitive hotel environments.

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