Ritz-Carlton leans on Asia to top 170 properties

Pictured: The Westin Siray Bay Resort & Spa, Phuket which will become The Ritz-Carlton Phuket. Image © Marriott International
Marriott International’s gold standard luxury brand, The Ritz-Carlton, is looking east to boost its global portfolio.

As at 30 September 2023 the five star line had a footprint of 118 sites comprising 30,965 keys.

Portfolio analysis

Its network includes 41 US and Canadian hotels, encompassing 12,583 rooms, which represents 35% of global properties and 41% of keys.

In the rest of the world, the other 77 properties collectively containing 18,382 keys constitute the remaining 65% and 59% respectively.

44% footprint growth

The Ritz-Carlton is set to reach 170 global sites over the next few years, with at least 52 projects in the pipeline, incorporating 11,013 rooms, according to the latest information from THP.

This suggests that 44% footprint growth is on the cards through the coming five years.

Asian influence

Looking at the pipeline data geographically, we see that 51% of our records, that’s 27 sites, are heading to Asia, way ahead of the 13 Northern European additions. Africa and Europe are tied on four each, while Oceania has three and South America has two.

For individual countries, China tops the list on 16, comprising 30% of the pipeline. The USA crashes the Asian domination in second place with seven sites, while we’re back east to complete the podium with Thailand on four developments.

City hotspots for the brand look to be Thai capital Bangkok and China’s Shanghai and Chongqing, on two properties apiece.

Steady new arrivals

Newbuilds form an incredible 80% of the pipeline, equating to 44 developments, as against just eight conversions or rebrandings and one extension.

The delivery schedule will ramp up over the next few years, peaking with 2026’s 16 scheduled completions. Project conclusions rise from four in the rest of this year, to 10 in 2024 and 12 in 2025. The remaining 11 are either due further in the future or have yet to be designated a delivery date.

Approximately 64% of the pipeline is under construction, equating to a minimum of 34 builds.

Eastern promise

One of the Asian additions will be The Ritz-Carlton Phuket in Thailand, which will result from the rebranding of the existing Westin Siray Bay Resort & Spa. On completion, this resort will encompass 182 guestrooms, suites and private villas, along with eight restaurants, bars and lounges. Guests will be able to make use of three swimming pools, the signature Ritz-Carlton Spa and a fitness centre.

A member of the forthcoming Chinese contingent is The Ritz-Carlton Suzhou. With interior design by Remedios Studio, the hotel will feature 190 guestrooms and suites and offer a range of dining options including a specialty restaurant with an open kitchen, a Chinese restaurant, a destination bar, and a lobby lounge. Plans for recreational amenities will include an indoor swimming pool, a fitness centre, and signature Ritz-Carlton Spa with four treatment rooms.