Diplomat Collection launches with opening of bookings for Villa Dahlia

Sverige, Stockholm. Image © Oscar Nord / Unsplash
The opening of bookings for Stockholm’s newest boutique hotel, Villa Dahlia, also marks the introduction of the Diplomat Collection by the Malmström and Cappelen families.

The Diplomat Collection is an ensemble of curated boutique hotels in Stockholm. Each hotel in the collection promises to combine history and craftsmanship with Scandinavian grace.

A new hotel collection

The Diplomat Collection is owned by the fourth generation of the Malmström family. Since the 1930s, the family has owned and operated a total of nine hotels and become a representative of tourism and hospitality in Sweden.

Sune Malmström founded the legendary Hotel Diplomat on Strandvägen in the 1960s and Villa Dagmar made its debut on Nybrogatan in 2021. The autumn-opening Villa Dahlia will be the latest addition to this collection.

“The Diplomat Collection unites our hotels under a shared identity, fostering growth and enhancing our operations over time,” said Diplomat Collection co-owner, Anna Cappelen. “Diplomat Collection is the hallmark for our boutique hotels, which promise modern luxury, curated homes and contemporary gathering places for unique and memorable stays.”

A new boutique stay

In each of the hotels it encompasses, Diplomat Collection aims to provide memorable stays in some of the Swedish capital’s most inviting neighbourhoods. When it opens this autumn, Villa Dahlia will invite guests to stay in a Milan-inspired home in Vasastan.

Each property in the collection will be committed to sustainability, in everything from the design to operations, and support is shown to local craftsmanship, ensuring the preservation of local heritage.

Commenting on the news, Diplomat Collection co-owner, Sune M Malmström, said: “We’ve now opened bookings for Diplomat Collection’s latest addition, Villa Dahlia, and we look forward to the fall with excitement. Diplomat Collection offers our guests and visitors a unified platform, simplifying daily operations and making it easier for visitors to enjoy our full range of services.”