Which LG Hospitality TV is Right for You?

KniTec - the US leader in Hospitality Television sales - compares the major current LG Hospitality TV Series.

LG provides access to some of the most advanced displays on the market.

But which one is best for your Hotel? Read on for a quick feature comparison or shop all LG Hospitality TVs.


Pro:Centric Display Tech Pro:Idiom b-LAN
AN960H Smart 4K OLED Yes No
UR770H Smart 4K Slim Direct Yes Yes
US670H Smart 4K Direct Yes Yes
UR577H HTML 4K Nanocell Direct Yes Yes
UN570H/ UT570H HTML 4K Direct Yes Yes
UN560H/ UT560H HTML 4K Direct Yes No
UR347H No 4K Nanocell Direct No No
UT340H/ UN343H No 4K Direct No No


Feature Breakdown


  • Need b-LAN (an integrated SONIFI set-back box)? Choose from the UR770H, US670H, UR577H, or UN570H/UT570H series. The UR770H and US670H have nearly identical features (Smart, 4K, Pro:Idiom, and b-LAN), but the UR770H is slimmer. Learn more about b-LAN and see all b-LAN equipped Hospitality TV models.


  • What’s the difference between Pro:Centric Smart and Pro:Centric Enhanced (HTML)?  Pro Centric allows hotels to deliver a range of hospitality features such as interactive welcome screens, program guides, personalized messaging, advertising, and the ability for hotel admin to control the TV. Pro:Centric Enhanced delivers this content via RF while Pro:Centric Smart delivers content via IP. 


  • Do I need Pro:Idiom? In most Hospitality environments, the answer is, “yes.” Pro:Idiom encrypts your television content, which is often required by your Content Provider.
    • #KniTecKnows Tip: Even if your current Content Provider or Brand tells you that you don’t need Pro:Idiom, we still recommend purchasing Pro:Idiom TVs. In the event that your Content Provider or Brand Standard changes, you’ll be ready.


  • Looking for the basics? If you don’t need Pro:Idiom or b-LAN, check out the UR347H and the UT340H Series. These “Essential” TVs still pack a punch without blowing the budget. What’s the difference between the UR347H and the UT340H/UN343H? The UR347H boasts a 4K Nanocell Display, which offers more precise color and wider viewing angles.


Call the experts directly to discuss your specific project needs: (866) 469-7111 or email [email protected].}

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