Immerse yourselves in a good book-inspired hotel interior or five by reading our new TOPHOTELDESIGN exclusive, featuring the likes of Sir Savigny Hotel and The Standard.
Never judge a book by its cover…unless you need it for interior design.
Brilliant hotels for bookworms
Almost everybody has a bookshelf at home. It’s a common piece of furniture and usually very similar to one other.
Books can tell a lot about their owner. They are the gatekeepers to our world of thoughts and dreams.
Have you ever found a book that you love at a friend’s house and felt a little bit at home? Well, this can happen at hotels too.
Apart from that, they can also add texture to the room and have a functional purpose: acoustics!
Today, we’ve selected five interiors that use books to their utmost advantage in many different ways.
In this group of projects, you’ll find grandiose and spectacular bookshelves, others that double as exquisite partition walls, and even a wall covered in books that works as a colour-blocked wallpaper.
Hotel EMC2, Autograph Collection
by Rockwell Group
Max Brown Canal District
by Saar Zafrir Design
Sir Savigny Hotel
by Baranowitz + Kronenberg
CitizenM Tower of London
by Concrete
Imagery: © Richard Powers
The Standard
by Shawn Hausman Design
Click here to find more inspiring examples of interiors with books on TOPHOTELDESIGN.

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