Artyzen previews Asia-focused 2023 pipeline

Artyzen Hospitality Group (AHG) is expanding its portfolio with seven openings in Asia, driven by the positive travel trajectory and recovery across the Asia-Pacific region.

The firm will welcome two flagship openings in the second half of this year, in Singapore and Shanghai, while the Artyzen Habitat brand will add another four Chinese hotels.

Robust growth

The upcoming additions mean AHG will reach a total of 19 operating properties worldwide by the end of 2023.

The firm believes this robust growth reflects its brand appeal to Gen Z and Millennials with its lifestyle pillars re-imagined from the Chinese idiom of  ‘clothing’ (art and design), ‘food’ (culture and gastronomy), ‘housing’ (habitat and community), ‘walking’ (discovery and exploration), and ‘music’ (joyful experience).

Singapore zing

Artyzen Singapore is due to open in Q4 2023 as a fresh interpretation of luxury, inspired by Singapore’s culture, colours and flavour. The contemporary hotel comprises 142 rooms and a roof garden that celebrates the Strait’s Chinese heritage.

In partnership with architect Ong&Ong and interior design studio Nic Graham + Associates, Artzyen Singapore is taking shape as a luxury vertical oasis in the heart of the city state. The green theme extends to The Roof Garden, a private social destination featuring a 25-metre cantilevered infinity pool and a  sunken lounge bar.

Shanghai boon

Set to open in Q3 2023, Artyzen New Bund 31 Shanghai is another flagship hotel for the group in China. Designed by Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, the property is intended to be  modern classic, weaving Shanghainese aesthetics, art, and cultural temperament into the hotel design and guest experiences.

The site will feature 202 guestrooms, an expansive floor integrating indoor and outdoor spaces, a destination restaurant, al fresco bars, and full event spaces.

Habitat quartet

Four Artyzen Habitat hotels will also open in China this year. Guided by the brand’s philosophy of ‘embracing art, culture, and emotional wisdom’, the brand is founded upon creating a culturally and socially sustainable habitat by connecting with the community and the neighbourhood in a meaningful way.

The upcoming launch of Artyzen Habitat Suzhou, Artyzen Habitat Taopu Shanghai, Artyzen Habitat Hengqin Zhuhai and Artyzen Habitat Yuelai Chongqing are designed to immerse guests in the culture and energy of the destinations through artful design, elevated flavours, and personalised services.

Asia-rooted DNA

Peter Wynne, senior vice president of AHG, said: “We are proud to unveil Artyzen Hospitality Group’s new property opening pipeline with an entry in Singapore, Suzhou, Zhuhai and Chongqing. Shanghai remains our launchpad with 10 properties in operation by the end of 2023.

“We look forward to welcoming guests to Artyzen’s Asia-rooted DNA bringing to life our own distinct homegrown lifestyle philosophy woven into every aspect of the stay experience.”