The asset management and investment firm has opened a base in Mayfair and is now actively seeking new hospitality-focused opportunities across Europe.

Pro-invest Group’s decision to commit to premises in London is another sign that confidence is returning to the market following the upheaval caused by Covid19.

Targeting Great Britain and Germany

Pro-invest Group, which already has a significant presence in Australasia and the Middle East, has opened an office in Mayfair, London as it looks to expand across Europe. The company is working with partners and asset allocators to secure successful investments throughout the region, particularly in Great Britain and Germany.

Ronald Stephen Barrott, Pro-invest Group CEO and chairman, said that the company can offer clients a range of services, including acquiring and repositioning, rebranding and managing assets.

“Pro-invest have had significant success in recent years developing and operating hotels and driving significant investor returns in the Australasia market,” he added. “By the end of this year, we will have 5,000 rooms under our management.

“We are aiming to continue that success. I am confident that with this seasoned team in place we will replicate those accomplishments with Pro-invest UK and Europe.”

An experienced leadership team

Pro-invest Group’s core leadership team also includes Dr Sabine Schaffer, co-CEO and managing partner; Alex Garrod, managing director for hospitality and asset management; Andrew Johnston, chief financial officer; Keith Griffiths, head of hotels; Norman Forsyth, head of architecture and technical services; and Scott Wolfe, director of investments Europe.

Dr Schaffer said: “We are taking the vertically integrated model that we successfully used over the past three decades and relaunching this into the UK and European marketplace. Our intention is to become a leading private equity real estate firm in Europe with particular specialty in the hospitality sector.

“The style of investment will be where we can run the properties operationally, where our team can use its real estate expertise to enhance the physical building and then we can leverage our three decades of experience as a franchisee of international hotel brands.”

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