Food wastage is a worldwide problem, so Livecookintable is finding ways to reduce the hospitality industry’s food waste through its designs.
Livecookintable products cut hospitality industry food waste
The world is wasteful when it comes to food, so for Livecookintable finding ways to reduce the hospitality industry’s food waste has always been a major factor in our product design. We know that globally around one third of food is wasted each year. That’s a shocking statistic. It’s not just economically irresponsible but, over a six-year period, global climate change researchers found that food waste alone contributes to between 8% and 10% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGE) worldwide.
Of course, that’s the big picture which everyone in the food and beverage industry needs to be aware of now and in the future. However, it’s also vital for us all to think consciously about cutting down food waste in the day-to-day operations. That’s always on our minds at Livecookintable and we’re constantly coming up with new solutions to lower food waste. Here are a few solutions available to the hospitality industry worldwide right now:
Live cooking stations look good and cut food waste
Live cooking stations are practically an essential in buffet line ups these days. Not only does skilfully making food in front of guests look impressive but cooking on-demand is also incredibly efficient in terms of cutting down food waste. This isn’t news to Livecookintable, our range of live-cooking.
All our hobs incorporate two zones, either for cooking or warming, with temperatures up to 94°C. These are touchscreen controlled. A wok-zone is another versatile live cooking option in our induction hob range. No matter how ambitious chefs are, all hobs are quick and easy to set up and each only weighs 15kg so they are also easy to transport and store.
Discover how using our induction hobs for live cooking cuts food waste
Multipots perfect waste-free portion control
Our award-winning Multipots are another of Livecookintable’s revolutionary waste saving products designed to integrate effortlessly into our range of Baukasten modular kitchen furniture. Multipots allow chefs to fry, steam or boil food to order with as little equipment in play as possible. So not only are buffet line-ups kept down in size but practically every centimetre of workspace becomes useable. Potential for waste is radically reduced, because Multipots efficiently produce individual portions, almost entirely eradicating wasteful batch cooking.
Livecookintable trolleys keep food fresh and cut down waste
MICE catering inevitably means moving food from storage areas to workstations and it’s always surprising how much fresh produce ends up spoiled and discarded in the process. But this doesn’t need to be the case.
At Livecookintable we don’t think any detail is too small to miss out on innovative design solutions as our collection of Smart Transportation Trolleys proves time and time again. Engineered in conjunction with leading hospitality industry professionals, they cover all bases from in-work station storage to efficiently and hygienically moving fresh and cooked food to and from serving areas. Like all Livecookintable products, trolleys are GN compatible and built to integrate with Baukasten modular kitchen furniture.
Click here to discover how our smart transportation trolleys keep food fresh.
Livecookintable design products from every angle which means we think about potential food waste as well as efficient food preparation. Find out more about our Baukasten modular kitchen furniture and integrated catering equipment.
About Livecookintable
100% Genuine. Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come and whose value lies in its use. That’s what MEC2 intends to do with Livecookintable.
MEC2 is a design and engineering company.
The design methodology ensures that each part functions perfectly without impinging on another. We see simplicity as the ultimate sophistication whilst ensuring each and every product is long-lasting, sustainable and future-oriented. Future trends are what inspires MEC2. Our design inspiration ensures that our clients are always one step ahead.
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Livecookintable is a German company that produces premium live cooking stations for some of the most exclusive establishments worldwide.
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