Blackout windows

Especially now that the days are the longest, and when guests arrive after a long journey, they want to rest first. Forest Group lists three solutions that allow you to really create a dark space.

When a guestroom is well darkened, hotel guests sleep better. Especially now that the days are the longest, and when guests arrive after a long journey, they want to rest first. Blackout curtains offer a solution to darken a guestroom.

But even then you will always suffer from light cracks. Forest Group, manufacturer of curtain track systems, lists three simple solutions that allow you to really create a dark space. Hotel guests will always wake up rested.

Create an overlap

A common problem is that the curtains do not close properly when they are closed. This creates light gaps, which means that the effect of blackout curtains is lost.

Multi channel tracks combine multiple curtain tracks into one single aluminium profile. Thanks to the separate channels. they are the ideal solution for an overlap between curtains to create a blackout in any hotel situation.


When an overlap is created, the light can still come over the top / round the sides.

A specially developed pelmet profile, which can be placed on top of the multi channel track, offers the perfect blackout solution if no separate pelmet or curtain box has been foreseen.

Eliminate light leakage from the side

Finally, to prevent light coming in from the sides along the wall and thus keeping guests awake, you can install a Velcro profile on the sides of the window.

When the curtain hems are lined with Velcro loop tape, the curtain can be easily fixed against the profiles, eliminating light leakage. The L-shaped Velcro profile is suitable for any Forest curtain track system.

Click here for more blackout solutions.

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Forest Group is a leading company in the field of curtain track systems and window coverings.


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