New in the range are Tagika and Taman

Soft, subtle, textured fabrics make our cushions the perfect finishing touch for a sofa to curl up in.

At Tribù, the development of beautiful fabrics that accentuate the understated luxury we stand for has been an important focus throughout the history of our company.

The result is a large offering of over 132 different high-quality fabrics that take their inspiration from nature. Many of them have beautiful neutral colours for creating a timeless base, others show more vibrant colours or have delicate textures in order to create decorative accents by the use of cushions or poufs.

New in the range are Tagika and Taman.

Tagika features an organic weave showing an intruiging gradient of colours. Very subtle and refined.

Tagika, on the other end, has a more robust appearance, with a weave that shows a more structural and graphic chequered pattern.

Both of them a pleasure to touch and a delight to the eye.

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